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Western Reserve Academy

Hudson, OH

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WRA Advancement Office

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Supporters (552)

All (552)
Aasha Haywood
In memory of Christine Manoli
Abbey Baker
Abby German
Adam Cornett
Adam Hardej
In honor of Joe Piacquad, Mark Barren, Joe Jackson = all class of '79 teammates
Hope I get a pair of those cool socks (as large as they come please). Go Pioneers!
Aimee Lawlor
Alana Joiner
Alex Vajsova-Jones
Alexandra Richter
WRA has shaped me into the person I am today!
Alexsandra Lazarides
Alicia Evans
Alicia Snyder
Alli Smith
Allison Forhan
Amanda Daniels
Amy Carpenter
Amy Sohaey
Keep up the great work!
Amy Tercek
Andrea Brechtelsbauer
Andrea Kennedy
Go Pioneers!!! So proud of all of the work that you students, faculty & staff do each and every day! AMAZING! 🤩
Andrea McCaffrey
Andrew Boniface
Andrew Hlavin
Andrew Miller
Go Pios!
Andrew Thomas
In honor of Russ Hansen
Without Russ, I would have never made it through Reserve in one piece!
Andy Lewis
Angie Carrano
Anita Patibandla
In honor of Aylie
30 years! Can’t wait to see you guys
Anna-Marie Shillingford
Anne Gentile
Anne Myers
Anne Song
In honor of Gerard and Christine Manoli
Anne Swegan
Anonymous Alumnus and Spouse
Anooj Pakvasa
to the lads
Anthony Elmore
In honor of Christine Manoli
Arthur Emma
Future 3rd generation alum.
Asuman Bilgin
Audi & Amanda Glass
Barbara Altman
In honor of Nancy Bunn Murnighan, Lee McGee, Hugh Hearty
Barbara Edmonds
Ben and Lindsay Baran
Benjamin Wilbur
Beth Weinberg
Betsy & Tom Barry
In honor of The College Counseling Team
Here to support students!
Bill & Erin Landers
Bill Better
....because everything is good about it. Big salute to my '80 classmates!
Bill Emery
Bill Hicks
Bill Hoover
Bill Keith
In honor of Aylie Fifer
Bob LeFevre
In honor of Tom Bletcher, Kit Kincade, Rennie Colborn
Brad & Robyn Kosco
Brandon Kramer
Brenda Petersen
I believe in the mission to grow kids.
Brendan Kelley
Brendan Schneider
Brennan Williams
Brian Czerwonka
Brian Pizor
In honor of Darlene Pizor
Britta Harman Latz
Bronya Boykin
I support WRA because of the caring teachers!
Brooke Hovan
Bruce Puffer
Brynn Schmitt
C Colt McCutcheon
In honor of Sarah Ogden
Caitlyn Schooner
Caleigh Tiley
Cameron N. Griffith
Carey Baucher
Carlin Szilagyi
Caroline Wittlinger
Carrie Mallozzi
Cassidy Williams
Catherine Walker
I am forever grateful for the impact Reserve has made on my life!
Cecily Maguire
Chad Jasiunas
WRA is always near and dear to my heart - thank you for everything!
Charles Allen Kannapell
Charles Leveroni
Charlie Gaetjens
Gearing up for our 30th year reunion!
Chatom Arkin
Cherie Hinson
Go Jenny! B
Chris LeVan
Chris Reef
Chris Wortendyke
Christina Harrell
30 years! Looking forward to our reunion! Thanks Jason.
Christine Barger
The teachers know and appreciate each student!
Christine Walker Borrmann '84
In memory of John G. Farr '84
Christopher Cooper
Roll Pios!!!
Christopher Lin
Christopher Quinn
Made a huge difference in our daughter, Caila's, education and life.
Christopher Sacher
Chuck & Susie Dix
Clark Burns
Clifton Maze
Cole Campbell
Colleen McFarland
Connor Polak
Damon & Mandy Keller
Dan & Amanda Apanasewicz
Varsity fencers in Charlotte, NC for the Jr. Olympics 🤺
Dan Bayly
In honor of Geo V. Bayly Sr.
Dan Catalano
Dana & Amy Pawlicki
Dana Szalontai
In honor of John Brown
I’m so proud of the Abolitionist history of Hudson, Richfield, and Kent. John Brown’s father was president of Western Reserve before he moved to found Oberlin. College of the Western Reserve was holding debates about slavery and publishing. Our school stepped up for the poor and oppressed and played a great and glorious role in the creation of modern America. Reserve cannot forget this mission. It’s not just for rich kids and it has a great (somewhat forgotten) history that all Pioneers should know and be proud of! So proud of my home state for changing the world. John Brown Sr and Jr should be required study, imo! ❤️
Daniel Galea
Daniel Kobick
In memory of William A Luntz
Daniel Prochniak
Daniel Serna
Danridge Giltz
David Dunne
David Gilmore
David Langille
David Myers
David Sanders
In honor of James Fraser
Jim was my advisor, Spanish teacher and Cross Country Coach. He had faith in me, encouraged me and supported me when I was at Reserve.
David Zielasko
In memory of William A “Sandy” Swanston ‘72
David and Joyce Griffith
Dawn Friedkin
Dedra Adams
In honor of Grant and Logan Adams
Daughter-In-Law is a graduate Grandsons-Grant and Logan Adams are Sophomores
Delia Rabatin
In honor of Beth Rabatin
Dion Harmon
Donoson FitzGerald
Doori Song
Douglas Leith
Dr. Ilaria Massacesi
Grazie WRA sono stati 4 magnifici anni!
Drew McKechnie
Dylan Sheridan
In honor of Adam Galea ‘01
Ed & Judy Newman
Ed Frato-Sweeney
Efrem Swoope
In memory of Joe Blanda
Elaura Patton
Eleanor McBrier
Eliza Park Musallam
Elizabeth Downing
Elizabeth Guidone
Elizabeth Jones
Love Reserve!
Elizabeth McClendon
Elizabeth and Ian Watson
Ella Brooks
Ellie Doe
Ellie Frato-Sweeney
Ellie Kuhen
Emily Barth
Emily Kalis
Emily Winson
Emma Horgan Fanning
Eric Miller
Eric Nauffts
It set the stage for later works!
Eric Rauckhorst & Alex Eliopoulos
Erica & Jay Jimenez
Erica Garrett
Erica McCarthy
Erin McHugh Saif
Ethan Bauck
Ethan Hicks
Frank Banks
I received a life changing education
Frank Theis
Freddy Spataro
Gail Montenegro
Gary Sanden
George Edwards
George Franz
George Lillich
George Trenchard
Geri FitzGerald
In memory of My father Donoson FitzGerald
Ghislaine Sefrioui
Thank you Reserve, Britt Flanagan, the faculty, Erin D. And Wakaba F. :)
Gina and Will Becker
Giorgio Scarabello
Gordon Pryre
Greg Foster
Gregory Parker
Gretchen Hutchinson
Griffin Trau
Guy Sheffield
Halley Marsh
Hallie Ritzman
Hank Leukart
Hannah Barry
Harvey Weil
Heather Dean
I am so grateful for the wonderful memories I have while attending WRA! Thank you for an amazing education!
Heather Reece
Class of ‘24 🎉
Heather Righetti
Heather and Richard Lewis
With thanks for the amazing high school experience our daughter is having at WRA.
Helen Rhynard
Herb Haller
Herb and Margaret Haller
Holly Rubin
Holly and Tucker Marshall
Hugh Barnett
The older I get, the more I appreciate what I received from a WRA education and experience
Ian Macduff
Ilse Rolf
In honor of David Dorson
Inga Wells
In memory of Christine Manoli
Isabelle Murray
Isaiah Swoope
Jack Burtch
In honor of William P. Holmes
Jack Godshall
Jack Godshall
Cheers to '02!
Jack McCormick
In honor of Joe Blanda
To the brilliant times with boys soccer and JB3.
Jackie Manson
Jaime Kenny
Jake Fowler
James Williams
Jamiel Maze
In honor of The wonderful faculty and staff who supported Mia this year.
So grateful for all of Mia’s teachers, coaches and the staff, especially this year.
Janice Maze
In honor of My daughter and granddaughter’s advisor Mrs. Chlysta
Thank you for being a great advisor for both Jamiel and Mia almost 20 years later.
Jasmine Jackson
Jason & Deanna Sanders
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin
Jason Griffith
Jason Wortendyke
Jean VanDivner
Jeanne Donovan Fisher
Nice work, Bill Emery!
Jeff Larabee
Jeffrey Klein
Jehan Shillingford-Blanc
I am so grateful for this opportunity for my daughter.
Jennifer Haslinger and Jeffrey Johnson
Jennifer Kale
Jennifer Peterson
Because this school impacted my life in many meaningful ways!
Jerry Flauto
Jess Burns
In honor of The Pryces
Jessica Gruden
Jessica Korman
Jessie Bartlett
Jiaxi Sun
Let our kids can live in a better place.
Jill Yajnik
Jillian Williams
Jim DeChant
In honor of Laura Schlaff? Al Mc Donald? any other deceased
Hopefully the tradition of inspiring young minds continues.
Jim Nobil
Profoundly great memories of all of my classmates and our shared learning experiences at the hands of masterful faculty and administrators!
Jing Sui
support Lisa's school
Joanna Caley
Joe & Mary Randazzo
Joe Fisher
The great faculty dedicated to our future! Special shout out to Hobart Hardej 1974
Joey Randazzo
In honor of Rich Hoffman
Johanna Pedall
Patrick (Poggi) is proud have been a student at WRA
John & Mary Ward
John & Patricia Morgan
In honor of Lilly Morgan ‘26
Continue to shine, spread joy, and dream big!
John Ainikkal
John Booke
In honor of Lauren Keller
So happy our beautiful granddaughter, Lauren, is a student at WRA.
John Bovyer
In honor of Graham Flagg
John Emack
John Ford
Thank you for a great education!
John Gavin
In honor of Skip Flanagan
John Hewko
John Levis
John Melkon
John Nicolls
In honor of William Moos Jr.
John Ong
John Parry
John Smucny
John Steen
John Wolf
John and Susan Mart8in
WRA saw potential in our grandson four years ago. He benefitted so much from the confidence you showed in him. I know he has made the school proud, just as he has made his family proud.
Johnny Swegan
Jon Hastings
In honor of Corbin Hastings
Jon Wanders
Jonathan Butensky-Bartlett
Jonathon Whittlesey
Joseph Dempsey
Joseph Eppy
Class of 79. Let’s show up for our 45th in a big way!!!
Joseph Marmerstein
In honor of Sid Kaplan
Judy Israelson
In memory of Chrissy Manoli
Judy Ronchetti
Julie Zhao
Julie and Caz Badynee
Thank you to wonderful colleagues for me and amazing teachers for my son. I love WRA!!!!
Julien Grant
thanks to all the teachers!
Justin Berthelot
Go Reserve! #fairhallsamid
Justin Wortendyke
Proud to support the WRA Community and Mission
Kara Dober
Kara Riemenschneider
Kara Stutzman
Go Pioneers!
Karen Brace
Karli Nielsen
In honor of Lois and Kelly Howell
Karyn Guttman
Katarina Dempsey
Thank for being an important pillar of our and our daughters community and life in Hudson, OH. 💝
Kate Hollnagel
Kate Milliken
Katelyn Depew
Katherine Chery
Kathleen Russell
Kathryn List
Kathryn McManus
Katie Barger
In memory of Tom Green and Reese Dill
Forever friends that paved the path for so many of us.
Katie Chaput
Katie Moazed
Katie Trook
Katie Velbeck
Katie Zampelli
Katie and John Parents of Derek 05, Josh 07, Drew 08, Alison 10
The Monroe children have benefited from their WRA education in so many ways.
Kay Weidenthal Boyd
In memory of Kurt Weidenthal, MD
Keelin Hyland
Keith and Grace Petras
Kelly Baeza
In memory of Christine Manoli
Kelly Howell
In honor of Lois Howell
Kelly Mendelson
Kent Borges
Kerry Kirk
In memory of Maxine Copus
Keshav Mody
Grateful for WRA and the close knit family that we are all apart of.
Kim Bump
My daughter got an excellent education! Thank you.
Kim Carpenter
Kim Harrington
Krista Maznik
Kristen Ressler
Kristin Chapman
Kristin Kercher
Kristin Kuhn
I support women and sports at WRA!
Kuo-Chih Hua & Amy Hsu
Kyra Bradley
Lakisha Wingard
Lance Mathews
Has it really been 40 years?!?!
Larisa Marmerstein
The school provided opportunities and gave direction to my children's life that would not be possible otherwise.
Laura Boniface
Laura Cunningham
Laura Stropki
Special place to work and learn!
Lauren Barsan
Lauren Curtin
In honor of G. Michael Curtin
In loving memory of the Voice of the Lady Pioneers.
Lauren Keller
A great school for my granddaughters.
Laurie Allen
Lei Li
Go Green!
Lei Zhang
Leland Smith
Lenard & Lindsay Kolencik
Leo Bellanca
Leslie Nelson
Liam Doe
Linda Kaplan
Lindsay Dean
Lisa & Roger Adams
We love how WRA grows the entire student: academically, athletically, socially, and instills a sense of community into each student!
Lisabeth Robinson
In honor of Elizabeth and Don Fricky
My mother and father came to so many performances and outings over the years. The school was a place of culture and enjoyment for them.
Logan Snell
Lois Howell
Louie Maznik
Louka Scarabello
I hope that this small contribution can help someone
Lucy Saner
Lucy Tebbetts
Lynn Krapf
Mackenzie Clark
In honor of Katie Lazor
Maddy Hadrys
Maggie Baker
Marc Rauckhorst
Marc Robinson
Reserve is a great community
Marcelle Berry
Margaret Haller
Maria Howard
Maria Paparella
Mark Abell
In memory of Keir Marticke
Mark Demian
Mark Hamlin
Mark Tercek
Mark Welshimer
Mark and Darlene LaFontaine
Marko and Tiffany Farian
In honor of Coach Ong and the WRA riflery team
Thanks to Coach Ong for helping his students hit their targets in life and in the range.
Martha Bayliss
Martin Franks
Give Green!
Matt Fleischmann
Matt Thomas
Matthew Dunne
In memory of Laura Shannon ‘82
Max Jewett
I always loved playing sports at WRA and felt the camaraderie was unmatched. Extremely proud to see the Lacrosse program and athletics excel. Excited to see what the future holds at WRA!
Maya Nilavar
Megan Gibson
Melinda Nanovsky
Michael Anderson
Michael Borosh
Michael Johnson
Because I am forever green!!!
Michael Russell
Michael VanBuren
Midge Karam
In honor of all my students - past, present, and future...yes, even you, class of 2003!!!
Mike Barringer
Min Cai
Big Thank-you to WRA performing art programs.
Molly Dunne
In honor of Aylie Fifer
Reserve has been a huge part of my entire family’s life.
Naphat Permpredanun
I'm grateful for the WRA that inspires me to find myself and also being positive!
Nate Cain
Nathalie Perez-Cino
Nathan Phillips
Nathan Stutzman
Neal Freeland
Neda Wilson
Nick Bentley
Nick Mills
Nicole Maronian and Tim Pittinger
Niraj Naik
Paige Warner
Palak Wall
In memory of Mihir Shah
Pat Sweeney
Patricia Brooke Kerschbaumer
Patrick Sartor
Paul Bierbusse
Paul Corto
Paul Jacques
Peter Buch
In honor of Kent Swanson
Thank you Ian McDuff! The smoothest midfielder in WRA soccer history.
Peter Shorten
Phil Carino and Betsy Shaver
Philip Jones
In honor of Christine Manoli
Philip Jones
In honor of Christine Manoli
Philip King MacBride
Phillip Cameron
In honor of Graham Flagg
Preble Giltz
Rachel Smith
Rafael Iriarte
Keep up this excellent academy.
Ralf Borrmann
In memory of Howard C. Walker Jr. '49
Raymond Murphy
In honor of Lee Blankenship
Rebecca Shaw
Renee Grassie
Renique Kersh
We support WRA because of the care and support they provide for our son, Jayden! The teachers and the staff are amazing and truly care about the student experience!
Rich Seil
In support of a very special and unique education.
Richard Hamlin
Richard Key
Richard Killion
In memory of Ruth Killion
Richard Peller
In support of Suzanne Buck and Laurie Allen
Rick Vogel
In honor of Frank Longstreth
Rishav Banerjee
In honor of Joe Blanda JB3 Forever
In memory of Joe Blanda JB3 Forever
Cheers to the undefeated 2012 squad!
River Oudemool
Robb Croasdaile
Robert Marias
In honor of Class of 1994
For our 30th Reunion!
Robert McCulloch
Robert McCuskey
In memory of Sidney W. McCuskey. '25 and Jeannette Scott McCuskey, '25
Robert Peck
Proud of who our boys have become with the guidance and support of everyone at WRA!
Robert Perry
Robert Simeral
Robert Vizmeg
Roberto and Meghan Sorgi 05'
Robin Marshall
Roger & Lisa Lunder Adams
Ron Harrington
Ron Ihrig
Rose Vardell
Rosemarie Smith
Ross LaPerna
Rudo N’Dia
Ruth Andrews
In honor of Suzanne Buck
Ryan Morrissey
Sam Clark
Sandra Ross
Sarah Fallon
Sarah Horgan
In honor of Christine Manoli
Sarah Johnson
Sarah Liotta Johnston
In honor of Amy Swegan
Sarah Pryor
Sarah Wise Weber
Sasha Maseelall
In honor of Sherry Chlysta
I am giving $200 to celebrate nearly 200 years of WRA history. Thank you to Mrs. Chlysta/Sherry for being a kind teacher to a not-so great math student then, and for being a supportive colleague now!
Scott Ferguson
Scott Masiella
Serena Wagner
Really need to get some money back to the soccer team.
Shayla Sweeney
Shefali Mahesh
In honor of Sehar and Sia Mahesh
In honor of Sehar and Sia Mahesh and what WRA has done for them!
Shelley Brooks
Sonia Sandhu
In memory of Gian Scalzi and Gavin Domm
This school was transformative for me!
Stacey Newpoff DeFilippo
Stephan Cole
Stephanie MacDonald
Stephanie Schneider
Thank you to the WRA faculty and staff for your dedication and commitment to the students.
Stephen Lippy
In honor of Dr. William H Lippy's 96th Birthday
Steve Kuller
Suraj Dakappagari
Susan Bauck
Susan Oldham
Susannah Spearman
Grateful alumna
Suzanne Buck
In honor of the dedicated faculty and staff who work in service to providing outstanding educational experiences for students. Thank you- Suzanne and Johnny Buck
Suzanne Day
Suzanne Kinney
TJ Langley
TJ Neum
Tavis Macduff
Taylor Hardy
In honor of The fabulous WRA teachers and faculty— especially Ms. Wanda Boesch! One of the best teachers and mentors I have had. So blessed to have her still as a part of my life!
The Harris Family
Go Pioneers!
The Schneider Family
Thomas Arnold
Thomas Hall
Thomas Seligson
In memory of Ritchie Thomas, Class of 1954
Thomas York
Thomas and Leigh Kischke
Go Pios!
Tiffany Ott
Tim Weidman
Timothy Warner
In honor of Ruth Andrews
Todd and Beth Coryea
Tommy Dunne
Tony & Kristine Turko
Tony Kritzer
Love the school and its mission!
Tony Wynshaw-Boris
Tori Vincent-Kelley
Tracy Bricker
Tracy Schooner
In honor of Tom Vince
Trenton Clarke
Tristan Lewis
Tyler Swegan
Tyler and Amy Swegan
In honor of James Walker
We are proud to be WRA Alums and Current Parents!
Vanessa Estonina-Yeutter
Proud to be an Alum and forever thankful for the Reserve experience!
Vish and Niki Hegde
Vishal Kumar
Walter Wingard Jr
Let’s knock this goal out!! #Pioneers #greenday2024
Wayne Miller
Webster Trenchard
Wendy Raymaley-Hoffman
Wendy Thomas
Will Kimmerle
Will McCracken
William & Cathleen McKinzie
William Austin
William Bush
William Holden
Loved my time at Reserve
William and Neysa Krueger
Yifan Zhang
Zachary Hart
Zeb Leciejewski
Zhejun Zhang
Thank you, WRA!
Brianne tierney
Hayden walmsley
James robinson
I am grateful my son was able to attend WRA.
John mauk
Lydia stropki
Thomas goad
Thomas hadrys
William marting
Quality education that has lasted a lifetime.
In honor of Monroe
In honor of the dedicated faculty and staff of WRA
I love Reserve!
In honor of Coach Bowen
In memory of Jim Walker
In honor of Keir Marticke

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