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The 2023-2024 WRA Fund

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Jongki Yoon

8 months ago

Thank you all of faculties. My daughter is satisfied and loving her school life. Thank you for your dedication and hard work.
William Holmes (Alumni ’05)

3 months ago

In memory of William Holmes
Davis Boster (Alumni ’63)

3 months ago

In honor of Ford Brunner
In memory of Ford Brunner
An All American and leader of the Class of 1963
Jennifer Corby (Faculty/Staff)

3 months ago

In honor of Kelly Howell
Janet Adams

3 months ago

My son works at WRA and I have been impressed with the educational and personal opportunities for your students and have enjoyed visiting WRA and Hudson.
Mika Takahashi (Alumni ’15)

3 months ago

Love seeing the dance program flourish!
Victor Haas (Alumni ’67)

3 months ago

Helped me develop academically and as a person. Giving back so others can experience the same.
Jackie & Mike Paparella

3 months ago

In honor of Wanda Boesch for her hard work and dedication to WRA and her students and advisees.
Charles Mullins (Alumni ’65)

3 months ago

In honor of Guy Wells, Class of '65
James Spriggs (Alumni ’92)

3 months ago

Ruth Andrew’s is the best. That’s all!
Kevin Austin (Alumni ’69)

3 months ago

In honor of Frank Longstreth Sr., Frank Longstreth Jr.
Michael Walker (Alumni ’74)

3 months ago

Thanks for a great reunion experience
Dana Schwarzkopf (Alumni ’84)

4 months ago

In memory of Inez Schwarzkopf
Thank you mom and dad for making this possible.
Anonymous (Alumni ’06)

4 months ago

In honor of Ralf and Christine Borrmann
Terri Mundy

4 months ago

WRA was a wonderful experience for my son. A stellar education. We are eternally grateful.
John Ford (Alumni ’73)

4 months ago

May God keep all in his grace.
judith Fairey

4 months ago

In memory of John Gund Farr
In loving memory of, and honoring, our nephew, John Farr. Judy and Tom Fairey
Richard Rubin

5 months ago

The school provided outstanding education to my daughter.
Alana Joiner (Alumni ’02)

7 months ago

In honor of Keir Martike
Love and miss you! As long as we keep giving in Keir's name - she will live on! WRA is a family!
Dave Little

8 months ago

In memory of John Lindamood
Tim and Kristen Hohman

8 months ago

In honor of Ritchie Thomas
Robert Earhart (Alumni ’91)

9 months ago

With thanks for many, many kinds of knowledge. :-)
Chad Tyler (Alumni ’99)

9 months ago

In memory of Andrew Guglielmi '99
Elizabeth Osborn

9 months ago

In memory of Teddy Jacobson 04
Michael Goodhue (Alumni ’85)

9 months ago

Supporting financial aid to give other students the gift of WRA. Let them work hard and play hard! Mike '85 & Gabriella Goodhue
Lee Williams (Alumni ’79)

9 months ago

In honor of Robert T. Williams Jr.
Daniel Kobick (Alumni ’68)

9 months ago

In memory of William A. Luntz
John Ford (Alumni ’73)

9 months ago

Keep up the good work!
Matthew Rothfusz

9 months ago

In honor of My parents
Jennifer Turk

9 months ago

In honor of Boys Varsity Soccer Team
Ying Lu

9 months ago

Keep up the good work!
Sophia Paris (Alumni ’93)

9 months ago

Love all that you continue to do to prepare our next generation of leaders!
Arvind Malik (Alumni ’84)

9 months ago

THis is a donation to support the faculty at WRA in honor of all the faculty who taught and inspired me!
james acker (Alumni ’75)

9 months ago

In memory of Richard N Acker
My father and my role model though life...I never would have attended WRA without his support.

9 months ago

In honor of Christine Borrmann
Heartfelt thanks for providing comfort and encouragement to Emily during her difficulties and setbacks.

9 months ago

WRA is another warm home for the children. We hope this home is always filled with love, hope, and strength.
yufeng cai (Student ’25)

10 months ago

keep up good work, we love WRA family
Eric Rauckhorst & Alex Eliopoulos (Alumni ’12)

10 months ago

<3 Reserve
Laura Boniface

10 months ago

In honor of Andrew Boniface’18
Go Pioneers
Schaeffer Barnhardt (Faculty/Staff)

10 months ago

In honor of Pete and Anna Hutchins, David Chiarella
Landon Allis (Alumni ’23)

10 months ago

In honor of Matt Gerber

10 months ago

In honor of Mrs Christine Borrmann
Jiahui YOU

10 months ago

In honor of Mr Robert Aguilar
Elizabeth Seufert (Alumni ’02)

10 months ago

In memory of William P. Holmes
juliet gridley (Alumni ’82)

10 months ago

I have very fond memories of WRA and I'm grateful for the education WRA provided.
Petra Auhuber

10 months ago

Thank you very much for everything!
Terry Blascak

10 months ago

In honor of All WRA faculty & staff
In 5th grade Ty began visiting area high schools. At 13 a friend seated at our table during a wedding mentioned his son attended WRA. Ty said “Mom-Dad that’s where I am going and I am going to stay there!” Fast forward 2 years later and Ty was officially a WRA student! Living only a 30 minute drive from campus, Ty’s firm choice to board was one of the best experiences for our kiddo! The amazing support of his advisor, Mrs. Ott during that freshman year and the years to follow has always been the perfect balance of compassion and grit! Much gratitude for all of the amazing faculty and staff that have cared for Ty at his home away from home!
Renata Bauman (Alumni ’87)

10 months ago

In memory of Giancarlo Scalzi and Gavin Domm
Christy Anquillare Barnes (Alumni ’81)

10 months ago

In memory of Bill and Margie Anquillare
Chris Forhan (Alumni ’08)

10 months ago

In memory of Daniel Herrick '64
Mahesh Shimpi

10 months ago

Thanks to all the teachers, staff and members of WRA for providing such a safe, secure and happy environment for the kids to thrive academically and mentally. Happy Holidays to all.
Karli Nielsen (Alumni ’03)

a year ago

In honor of Lois and Kelly Howell
Kim Bump

a year ago

I am very happy with the quality of my daughter's education all four years. Thank you!
mark johnson (Alumni ’65)

a year ago

In honor of david mccleland, richard willoughby, mike coyle
only school which gave me a degree!
Bonnie Bertrand

a year ago

11th Man Club, Go Pios!
Jerry Ewing

a year ago

11th Man Club-Go Pios!!
Lisa Slattery

a year ago

"11th Man Club" Let's Go!!
Keith McCracken

a year ago

Go Pios!
Kimberly Carpenter

a year ago

Go Pios! WRA Lacrosse
Dylan Sheridan (Alumni ’02, Faculty/Staff)

a year ago

In honor of CJ Polak '13

a year ago

Rose Jones

a year ago

strength coach
Chris Reef (Alumni ’91, ’27)

a year ago

Let’s Go WRA!
Mid-Ohio Food Collective Development Department

a year ago

In memory of Stephen Marks
Dan & Amanda Apanasewicz

10 months ago

WRA is a place you can find what you love. Here's a photo from the Remenyik fencing tournament at Northwestern University.
William Hicks (Alumni ’61)

3 months ago

WRA provided the foundation of my life.
Lynn Ogden (Alumni ’79)

3 months ago

In honor of Sarah H. Ogden '82
George Hays (Alumni ’72)

3 months ago

Graduating from WRA set me up for a excellent college experience and helped launch me on a great career. It's important to keep the Reserve tradition continuing.
Brand Closen (Faculty/Staff)

3 months ago

In honor of Dave Dorson
Paul Stephens (Alumni ’67)

3 months ago

In honor of Rollie Waite
C Davies Reed (Alumni ’81)

3 months ago

In memory of Corinne vanDame Davis
In memory of one of my advisors without whom I should not have graduated.
Edward Benhoff (Alumni ’53)

3 months ago

Reserve continues in excellence but high costs/charges are a concern when we 'old timers' look where they have come from.
Hayes Gladstone (Alumni ’79)

3 months ago

In memory of Bill Schumacher
Great friend, athlete and neighbor. RIP.
Stephen Chang (Alumni ’59)

3 months ago

It is a great idea to have regular alumni get-togethers every 5 years for our class. Very creative indeed.
Mike Rakowsky (Alumni ’69)

3 months ago

My outstanding education in all facets of life at Reserve has stood me in good stead ever since!
Michael Curtin (Alumni ’14)

3 months ago

In memory of G. Michael Curtin
Anna + Peter Hutchins (Faculty/Staff)

4 months ago

In honor of Brand Closen
Sarah Day (Alumni ’01)

4 months ago

In memory of Charles Hammel '65
Sarah Haile (Alumni ’08)

4 months ago

In memory of Chrissy Manoli
Ric Geyer (Alumni ’73)

4 months ago

Reserve is one of those rare institutions that continues to evolve and grow, but doesn't fall into the "change for the sake of change" trap. Reserve's moves are strategic and well designed, and I consider myself lucky to have been and continue to be associated with such a great place.
Arthur Stanton (Alumni ’57)

5 months ago

It seems like yesterday that our class graduated and have made so many contributions to our school and even to some historical events in the last 68 years...
Calvin Wiggam (Alumni ’19)

5 months ago

Western Reserve Academy has so many rich opportunities and has had a lasting impact on my life. I wish I could go back and take more advantage of this, but I am thankful for what I have learned.
William Hicks (Alumni ’61)

7 months ago

WRA continues to improve itself and the education it provides with every passing year!

8 months ago

In honor of Richie Tucker Thomas
Given by Regan Mayo, Katherine Boland and Taylor Mayo in honor of our friend Richie Thomas.
Jean Huang

8 months ago

In honor of Charlie Tercek
Big reunion coming up!!!!
Chad Tyler (Alumni ’99)

9 months ago

In memory of Graham Flagg '99
Yang-Ming & Xiaohong Zhu

9 months ago

Have a great 2024!
Clay Warnick (Alumni ’79)

9 months ago

In honor of Joe Jackson ‘79
Danaë Wharton (Alumni ’75)

9 months ago

In memory of Frank Longstreth
Ted Hochschwender (Alumni ’63)

9 months ago

Keep up the good work
Ted Humphrey (Alumni ’87)

9 months ago

In honor of Ted and Marian Humphrey
Jackson Loos (Alumni ’59)

9 months ago

The Academy was a life changing experience.
Serena Wagner (Grandparent ’25)

9 months ago

So important for this to go to the soccer program
Elizabeth Parry Anacki (Alumni ’82)

9 months ago

In memory of Sarah Ogden '82
Lidan Wang

9 months ago

Thanks for the good work and kind help!

9 months ago

The WRA health center has helped us a lot.Thank you very much to all the nurses.
carl thum (Alumni ’66)

9 months ago

In honor of Richard C. and Robert D. Thum

9 months ago

In honor of Suzanne Buck
Heartfelt thanks for providing comfort and joy to Emily during her challenges and setbacks.
Wenjuan Fan

9 months ago

In honor of Barbara Edmonds
Elena Manoli (Alumni ’06)

9 months ago

In honor of Gerard and Christine Manoli
Jeff Warner (Faculty/Staff)

10 months ago

In honor of Lee Blankenship
Anand Yadama

10 months ago

WRA has been great experience for my son! Go Pios!
Anonymous (Alumni ’04)

10 months ago

In honor of Christine Manoli
Min Cai

10 months ago

Thank you for providing nurturing, caring environment for kids.

10 months ago

In honor of Mr S. Elliot Zetzer
Dan & Amanda Apanasewicz

10 months ago

🤺 #GoGreen #WRAFencing
Johanna Plasa

10 months ago

In honor of Tara Bowen
William Hicks (Alumni ’61)

10 months ago

In Reserve EDUCATION is capitalized!
William E Kraus (Alumni ’73)

10 months ago

Class of 1973 gift
sukhjit bubra

10 months ago

Great Lacrosse program
Richard Peller (Faculty/Staff)

10 months ago

In honor of Suzanne Buck and Laurie Allen
I am proud to teach at Reserve, and support the excellent leadership of Suzanne and Laurie.
Mark Warburton

10 months ago

Lacrosse program. Two boys play on the team.
Andrew Wang

10 months ago

Hope WRA can move up its rankings as well.
James Bowen (Alumni ’72)

10 months ago

In honor of Robert Weiss
Keep up the good work and stay in touch class of 72!
Thomas Kischke

10 months ago

We can’t imagine a better choice for our children’s educations!
Marie Hunter (Alumni ’01)

a year ago

In memory of James Hunter '72
Anonymous (Alumni ’15)

a year ago

In honor of Katie Bonomo
Dr. Keith A. Hoover and Mrs. Kathleen Hoover

a year ago

In honor of Kristen Marie Hoover Boutton (2002) and Kevin Michael Hoover (2013)
David Halpin

a year ago

11th Man Club
Lorene Cole

a year ago

Let’s go Pios! 🥍💚
Robert Peck

a year ago

Support the growth of the lacrosse team and players
Butts Family

a year ago

In honor of Andre Ortiz '03, Coach Dylan Sheridan '02, and Coach Connor Polak '13
If it weren't for Andre Ortiz '03, Coach Dylan Sheridan '02, and Coach Connor Polak '13 our son wouldn't be at WRA experiencing an opportunity of a lifetime. THANK YOU and GO PIOS!
Todd Coryea

a year ago

Go Pios!
Joe and Laura Edell

a year ago

In honor of 11th Man Club
11th Man Club. WRA Lacrosse Program
Serge & Nicole Kaniki

a year ago

Strength Coach
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hutchins (Faculty/Staff)

a year ago

Hello, I would like this gift to serve as a contribution towards hiring a strength coach for our student athletes for the 2023-2024 school year.
Brian Strause

a year ago

In honor of Stephen C. Marks
Dawn Robinson

a year ago

In honor of Stephen Marks
In loving memory of Lolly’s dad.

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Western Reserve Academy
115 College Street, Hudson, OH 44236
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